Fava Bean Protein Isolate - Meelunie

Fava Bean Protein Isolate

  • Applications
  • Specifications
  • Packaging & Shelf life
  • Properties

Our Fava Bean Protein Isolate is perfect for any application requiring a high-quality, high-protein source. Processed under exacting standards in our state-of-the-art facility in Denmark, our Fava Bean Protein Isolate has a completely neutral odour and taste. This, along with a high protein content of over 85%, means that our Fava Bean Protein Isolate provides the perfect protein source for any application you may have. From meat analogues to non-dairy products, sports nutrition and bakery items, it is the ideal solution for your protein-rich products.


Making Positive Impact with our Meelunie products

Positive Impact’ has been incorporated into our mission, vision, ambitions and strategy. In the years to come, it will be an integral part of our daily activities: As a leading supplier of plant-based ingredients, Meelunie will not only take responsibility for its part in the energy transition but also in the protein transition. Through innovation, we can provide more sustainable, efficient and healthier alternatives. Have look at our Positive Impact page.




Fava Bean Burger Patty

Meat Analogues:

Resembling the texture of chicken, beef, pork and seafood

  • Sausages
  • Meat-patties
  • Seafood analogues
  • Chicken nuggets
  • and many more…



Fava Bean Burger Patty
Fava Bean Milk

Non-dairy products:

Providing a high protein solution to many non-dairy products

  • Plant-based yoghurt
  • Plant-based cheese
  • Plant-based milk
  • Plant-based egg
  • Plant-based mayonaise



Fava Bean Protein Bar

Sports Nutrition:

Providing a high protein solution for athletes and sportspeople

  • Protein bars
  • Protein powders
  • Protein drinks



Fava Bean Protein Bar
Fava Bean Sourdough Bread

Bakery Products:

Providing a high protein/gluten free solution for the bakery industry

  • Cookies
  • Cakes
  • Pastas
  • Cereal bars




For more information about this product, please contact us.

Meelunie Gijs van Elst
Gijs van Elst
Chief Innovation Officer
tel: +31 20 53 06 530

Download product leaflet

For a compact overview of this product, please leave your contact details to download our free leaflet.

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food | Gluten free | plant based | meat replacement | sports nutrition | proteins | carbon footprint | isolate | bakery

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