Jobs at Meelunie - job openings

Jobs at Meelunie

A few years back, our colleague, Gijs, saw a business opportunity for Meelunie in setting up a new office in SE Asia. He approached senior management, who asked him to put together a short but clear business case. They listened, liked what they heard and asked him to go ahead. Within weeks, and with the support and advice of Meelunie colleagues around the world, Gijs was setting up our greenfield office in Singapore. Gijs led thriving SE Asian operations with a highly motivated team. And guess how he’ll respond if one of them comes to him with a great idea? A successful culture is contagious. Join our team of self-starting, dynamic professionals today and show how you will go that extra mile for our clients, suppliers, and colleagues.


We’re looking for talent.
Come join us!

We need all sorts of skills at Meelunie. But in particular we’re always on the lookout for talent in the areas of logistics and trading. Our latest job openings:

Trader Europe – Meelunie Amsterdam Headquarters
Logistics Coordinator – Meelunie HQ
Freight Trader – Meelunie HQ