Brown Rice Protein Isolate - Meelunie

Brown Rice Protein Isolate

  • Applications
  • Specifications
  • Packaging & Shelf life
  • Properties

Ideal for the sports industry, brown rice protein is a high-protein ingredient that offers a unique amino acid structure. Specifically, rich in branched-chained amino acids, brown rice protein can offer a complimentary protein source to many applications.


sports bar

Cereal and Energy bars:

Offers a unique amino acid structure that aids in the energy and nutrition content of health bars

  • Energy bars
  • Health bars
  • Muesli bars
  • Protein bars



sports bar
Protein drink

Sports Nutrition:

Offers a unique amino acid structure that aids in the performance and recovery of high-performing athletes

  • Protein powder
  • Protein drinks




For more information about this product, please contact us.

Casper Braam
Product Manager
tel: +31 20 53 06 530


meat replacement | sports nutrition | protein | rice | brown rice | Cereals

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