Pea Starch - Meelunie

Pea Starch

  • Applications
  • Specifications
  • Packaging & Shelf life
  • Properties

Pea starch is characterized by medium viscosity, and gelatinizes at a higher temperature compared to other native starches. Because of its high amylose content (~35%) and restricted swelling power, native pea starch attains greater stability under high heat, shear and acid conditions than is typical of native starches.  It can form a gel in water at a much lower dosage than other starches, making it the best gelling native starch.  Pea starch is an ideal ingredient for food products that require a short, elastic texture such as glass noodles or gummy confectionaries.





Starch has always been the basis for the Meelunie brand. Pea starch is typically used as a water binder a thickener and stabilizer. These characteristics make this starch suitable as an anti-caking and bulking ingredient, as well as gluing agent for food products such as: 

  • Glass Noodles
  • Chinese Jelly
  • Soft Candy
  • Bakery ingredients (gluten-free)
  • Meat products
  • Canned products




For more information about this product, please contact us.

Joost Middelburg
Product Manager Pea Starch
tel: +31 20 53 06 530

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